West Bowling Youth Initiative
Established in 1991 the initiative works with at risk young men from the BME community and employs 1 full time and 2 part time workers, offering educational and employment opportunities for young people aged 8-25 years old.
Services include:
- Alternate education programmes to local schools
- Employment programmes targeting long term NEETs
- Sports and leisure activities
- Anticrime work and mentoring
How Bradford City Challenge Foundation has helped
Funding has helped to reduce the number of young people involved in criminal activity and helped clients to enter employment and increase self-esteem and community participation.
B.C.C.F. Ltd is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration Number IP28539R and was founded in about 1996
It is recognized as an exempt charity by the Inland Revenue. Registration No: XP33273
The postal address is Commerce Court, Challenge Way, Cutler Heights Lane, Bradford BD4 8NW
The accounts are independently audited and lodged with the Financial Conduct Authority