Bethel community church, Bierley Bradford

Bierley Bethel Community Church

Bethel community church, Bierley bradfordBBCC is a church serving the local community by providing a caring and warm environment. It employs 2 part time workers, the minister and a youth worker with an additional 15 volunteers.

A number of activities are offered in their own premises for young people of primary age, alongside a timetable of weekly and seasonal activities to encourage members and local residents both spiritually and socially.

The church works with over 120 individuals of all ages through worship, drop-in sessions and fellowship groups.

How Bradford City Challenge Foundation has helped

Funding has been provided for refurbishment of the kitchen and community space which was critical to maintain the offer of ongoing social activities; where catering and refreshments are a central component. A further grant was also given to help provide youth resources for the growing children and youth work activities

B.C.C.F. Ltd is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Registration Number IP28539R and was founded in about 1996

It is recognized as an exempt charity by the Inland Revenue. Registration No: XP33273

The postal address is Commerce Court, Challenge Way, Cutler Heights Lane, Bradford BD4 8NW

The accounts are independently audited and lodged with the Financial Conduct Authority

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